Ambivalently Yours

SZ:: How much can you tell me about yourself as just sort of a general introduction? I know that you don’t want to give too much away. Any info or details or fine.  AY:: I’m a female identifying feminist artist based in Montreal, Canada. In a nutshell my work is full of feminist rants, ambivalent […]

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Kaytee Trudeau of Lady NOBROW

When I first started conceptualizing the type of things that She Zine would cover, female-run indie business was very near the top of my list. It had been some of my main takeaways from other feminist rags, like Venus Zine and Bust. It had been through that inspiration that had me start my first business […]

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Betsy Greer, Godmother of Craftivism

Who founded the “craftivist movement”? Who coined the term “craftivism”? Me. And not me.  I started thinking about the connections between craft and activism in 2002 as part of a research proposal. I was talking about it to my knitting group and one of them said, “you could call it craftivism.” I went home and […]

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